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Multi-Protocol Serial Controller 8274 $12.99 $12.99

Programmable Peripheral I/O (CMOS) 82C55A-5 $5.49 $5.49

Octal Bus Transceiver 8286 $4.99 $4.99

Dual Full Adder 9304 $0.69 $0.69

JFET Op. Amp. TL081N $0.49 $0.49

Supply Voltage Supervisor (-.3 to 10 V) TL7705N $0.99 $0.99

Video Sync Separator LM1881N $1.99 $1.99

Bar Graph Display Driver LM3915N $2.49 $2.49

AGC Squelch Amplifier LM370N $9.99 $9.99

Subtotal $40.11
Shipping $0.00
Tax $0.00
Total $40.11

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